Cancellation & Refund

1. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, as a small enterprise, to sustain our business and support our employees financially in the time of this crisis, we will not be able to process any REFUNDS. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

2. You can cancel or pause meals indefinitely. We will carry forward all cancelled or paused meals whenever you would require.

3. Meals can be cancelled by Logging into your account and Cancelling meals directly on our website. Using the online method you cancel Lunch meals until 5 am on the same day and dinner meals can be cancelled before 1 pm on the same day
By sending a Whatsapp or an SMS on +919819932741/51. By using this method Lunch meals can be cancelled a day prior by 8 pm. For eg. Lunch meal for 10 January needs to be cancelled on 9 January before 8 pm. Dinner meals can be cancelled on the same day by 1 pm. For eg. Dinner meals for 10 January can be cancelled on 10 January before 1 pm. No cancellations would be taken after the respective deadlines for both the methods for any reason.

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